
Happy New Year! Andrew discusses the theory and application of incorporating unstable surfaces in training. Listen in to the benefits, training adaptations, and ways to effectively apply these techniques. Unstable surfaces change the interaction between a person and the external environment. Therefore, when the external surface is unstable, more internal...

Have you heard about anatomy trains? Did you know that your myofascial system creates direct connections and seamless integrations between individual muscles. This episode is all about understanding the various myofascial meridians that travel the body from head to toe. The myofascial system contains countless nerve endings, provides sensory information,...

Have you heard about anatomy trains? Did you know that your myofascial system creates direct connections and seamless integrations between individual muscles. This episode is all about understanding the various myofascial meridians that travel the body from head to toe. The myofascial system contains countless nerve endings, provides sensory information,...

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