28 Dec 102. Learning From 2021 & Building Momentum For 2022
Christmas is now over, and we are officially reaching the end of the year 2021! With the new year upon us, Andrew encourages us all to take some time to reflect on this past year. In what areas did you find yourself feeling successful? In what areas do you see a need for improvement and higher goal setting? What would you like to focus on in 2022? In this episode, Andrew dives into how which we can set ourselves up for success in this year to come and make a difference in 2022.
This reflection time is very important for seeing what you want in this year ahead and taking that into consideration in all the areas of your life. It’s easy to focus on the obvious but think about the full spectrum of your life. How would you really like to see your life looking at the end of 2022?
Once you’ve reflected and given your goals some thought, how are you going to get started? Getting started is the first step. We all must start somewhere, and the best is to get started in any way that you can. Don’t focus on perfection in the beginning. Even if it’s not perfect, getting started is key. You can always make little changes as time goes on. Andrew talks about these small changes and what an impact they can have over time as we build on them.
If you’re ready to make some changes in this year ahead, whether they are in the area of fitness, finances, your health, career, or all of the above, listen in on this episode for some direction on where to begin once the new year is here. On that note, wishing you all a happy new year, and stay tuned for more episodes in 2022!
Check out previous episodes that I mentioned in this episode:
Episode 70: Training Tips With Tony Silva: Getting Started With Health, Fitness, And Taking Care Of Yourself
Episode 74: How To Develop Your Recipe For Performance
Episode 99: Understanding Goals Are Complex: Step-By-Step Process For Success
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