
017. History Tells Us To Incorporate Exercise Into Our Lifestyle | No Gym, No Problem

017. History Tells Us To Incorporate Exercise Into Our Lifestyle | No Gym, No Problem

Dating back throughout history, there are a few common trends that we see for health and fitness. We all need to move well, be functional, and have adequate movement capacity to carry out tasks in life. In addition, having “exercise” integrated into our lives leads to higher levels of fitness. As society started to become more sedentary, more of an effort for intentional movement and “exercise” with equipment and at gyms have become mainstream. During these times, with gyms and facilities being closed, we just need to focus on moving well, moving often, and practicing fundamental bodyweight exercises. When we integrate good movement with home exercises and throughout the day, you will find that you are able to effectively train at home. Practice the basics of squatting, hinging, pushing, pulling, stabilizing, etc. to keep progressing your fitness levels. Bottom line, understand how to move properly and train smart even when we don't have access to equipment or gyms. If you do that, your fitness levels will be so much better in the future. Listen in, learn briefly how exercise has evolved through history, and enjoy the episode!

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