
161. Learning From Past Experiences & Adapting With The Times

changing times

161. Learning From Past Experiences & Adapting With The Times

This episode is all about adapting to current times and finding ways to improve what was effective in the past. Everything is always changing as technology improves, we learn more, and also understand more about what has worked in the past. Andrew dives into how important it is to be open minded about concepts, philosophies, and innovations that build off what was effective in the past.

Andrew emphasizes how nothing is perfect and there is always room for improvement. Whether you apply these concepts to athletes, clients, or patients, or apply them to your personal journey, remember to continue to grow and improve what you built in the past. Build off past experiences, learn from current times, and be open to the future direction of human performance. Be sure to stay tuned for more content coming your way on the HNL Movement Podcast, YouTube channel, and social media outlets. Subscribe, follow, and share! Enjoy the episode!

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