17 Aug 083. Utilize Sports Foods To Maximize Performance While Avoiding Negative Health Impacts
This week, Andrew provides some key nutrition information involving sports foods. Sports foods include anything that is packaged and manufactured with the intent of health benefits that provide energy to the body. Think of energy bars, Gatorade, gels, chews, and so on. Sports foods are meant to give us energy and are great to use before and during activity. However, they are not meant to replace whole-food nutrition or be used as a quick fix for poor eating habits. In this episode, Andrew provides some key information about how to utilize these foods healthily and not over-consume them.
Andrew talks about building a strong foundation when it comes to nutrition and building those nutritional habits that shape the lifestyle we want to live. Sports foods are great supplementary sources of nutrition, but there is a time and a place to utilize them. Listen in on this episode so that you can gain a better understanding of the balance between these packaged nutrition products and whole food nutrition. Enjoy the episode!
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