13 Jul 078. Miah Ostrowski On Hard Work, Waiting For Opportunities, And Cherishing The Experiences
This episode features Miah Ostrowski, a football and basketball star player from UH. Miah is someone who can provide inspiration to athletes all around, being someone who played two sports in college and never really got a break. Someone who was always bouncing around from sport to sport, Miah has a lot of insight to offer in the realms of mental toughness and taking care of your body to optimize your performance.
Miah talks a bit about his athletic childhood and the way he got started. Basketball was his first sport and his favorite to begin with, and he picked up football later on. He always had aspirations for competition, but none of those aspirations came without doubts as well. He speaks about this and the ways he strived to become better and move through those doubts to be the star player that he became.
Now, he pays it forward through coaching. Coaching gives him the opportunity to give back and be for these kids the same inspiration that he received as a young athlete. His philosophy is encouragement, encouraging these kids to have a clear mind, a good head, and be here mentally. He teaches them to take care of their bodies and always stays positive. Listen in on this episode, and if you have young athletes in your life, be sure to share this with them!
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