23 Mar 062. Manti Te‘o On Confidence, Work Ethic, And Striving To Raise The Bar
In this episode, welcome NFL linebacker, Manti Te‘o, to the podcast! Listen in for some great stories and insight, as Manti Te‘o shares his background, journey, and everything he’s learned along the way. He shares his stories from childhood up to college and playing for Notre Dame. His entire journey has shaped him tremendously as a person, especially when it comes to his mental strength and sense of self.
Growing up in Hawaii, Manti was always active in many sports. In fact, he played all of them! Manti explains how playing different sports growing up helped him to become a better football player. He agrees with the importance of trying different sports growing up to become better at the sport of your choice. While playing the sports that he wasn’t the strongest in, that’s where he has learned the most. Andrew and Manti touch on the subject that failure is where growth happens, and even as a kid, those times when you don’t succeed are the ones that lead you to the most growth.
When it comes to his success, Manti emphasizes the fact that he wouldn’t be where he is today if he didn’t have parents who instilled important qualities and characteristics in him as a child. Manti has some great stories to share here about his experience growing up and the different ways that he received encouragement and support from his parents. This is a great episode for anyone looking to be inspired by ways of furthering their children or their students on the road to success.
As a star player, one thing he started to become clear about before he even hit college was the difference between arrogance and confidence. This distinction made him a better athlete and teammate. It’s not just all about what you do, but it’s also about who you are. There have been times in his career when this distinction was challenged, especially by the opinions of others. These challenges are what led to him strengthening his sense of self and staying strong in who he truly is. Listen in on this inspiring and entertaining episode with Manti and all the little gems shared throughout it. Aloha!
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