12 Jan 052. Danny Sepkowski On Going For It, Training Smart, and Elevating His Ocean Photography
In this episode, Andrew interviews a long-time friend and client, Danny Sepkowski. Danny is a photographer who specializes in photographing waves, and he has some pretty fascinating stories to share about the risky business involved on these adventures and shoots. His background story is also very inspiring and worth a listen for anyone on the edge of just going for something new. That’s exactly what he did, and he gained success much quicker than he expected. His story reflects the fact that you never know how something is going to turn out until you try it. Listen in on some of his stories about the way that his success surprised him.
When it comes to performance training, Danny began working with Andrew in 2018 to elevate his health and performance. He speaks about the importance of training smart for the daring work that he does. He notices how he can stay in the water longer, and his endurance has made a profound difference in his photoshoots. Danny encourages anyone who is wanting to get started on something new to just do it and enjoy yourself along the way. Enjoy this episode, and be sure to check out Danny’s website and social media!
Website: www.dannysepkowski.com
IG: @hawaiiwaveimages
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