25 Jan 106. Emily Lindholm On Benefits Of Movement, Dance & Pilates, And Following Your Path
This week, welcome Emily Lindholm to the podcast. Emily is a Pilates instructor and also the writer for the show notes of this podcast! Not only does Emily hold a very similar philosophy as Andrew, but she has listened to every single episode on this podcast.
Emily has a dance background and shares the story about what drew her to Pilates, how she stepped off her path for a while and the fascination with the way things can come back around full circle when you stay focused on what you want. In the past, Emily went through many of the common doubts that occur in our culture, where we might be getting told to follow one path while another is calling loudly. Some of us get caught up in following what we’re told we should do, and Emily shares what it took to turn that around so that she could pursue the path she knew was right for her.
Now working as a full-time Pilates instructor, Emily uses her training and background in dance to help others elevate their performance in life through the mind/body connection, postural adjustment, and overall strength and conditioning. She is also an aerialist and dance-based movement coach. Her plans to expand her online platform beyond Instagram are in the works, so be sure and follow her to see what she’s up to! She just began a new movement page, which she plans to transfer to YouTube as well.
For Pilates instruction, you can find her on Instagram @miss_emily_beth
To follow her movement page, check out her other Instragram @wild_free_movement
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