02 Jun 020. Yancy Medeiros, UFC Veteran, On His Fighting Career and Staying True To His Brand
In this episode, Andrew interviews UFC veteran Yancy Medeiros! This episode is very uplifting, as Yancy shares with us what he truly finds important in life and what brought him to success. He has some truly inspiring stories and experiences to share with us in this episode. Yancy speaks about what brought him to the UFC and the valuable lessons that he learned along the way. What makes Yancy unique is the way that he views success. He speaks about his own success by seeing fighting is a technique, and the reason people keep watching is that they are witnessing the realness being brought out in him. Yancy is someone who never strays from what he represents, and to him, the key to success is staying true oneself.
Today, Yancy is out to educate and support the younger generations in order to pay forward the support that he received on his journey to become a successful fighter. He provides inspiration for us all to tune into who we really are and remain educated so that our minds can stay open and true. Enjoy this episode!
IG: @yancymedeiros
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