14 Apr 013. How To Continue Training Smart While Staying At Home
How can you keep progressing with training, fitness, and exercise during this time of social distancing? I will go over important aspects to consider with how to continue high level training during these times we all are staying at home. I discuss ways to train smart at home and progress your training volume gradually to help you create favorable adaptations and minimize overtraining risks. Listen in on other key variables of movement and exercise that will help you create effective and appropriate workouts for you. As always, focus on fundamentals, proper technique, movement quality, and creating favorable adaptations through your training. All of the important basics of training does not change just because you don’t have access to the gym or exercise equipment. Take care and stay healthy everyone and we are all doing our part to help get through these unprecedented times together. Be sure to check out my website www.HNLmovement.com and sign up for my email list to receive exclusive content to help you elevate your performance. Aloha!
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