28 Apr 015. Home Exercise Equipment: Needs To Be Versatile, Worth Getting, and Fit Your Workout Needs
There's so many options when it comes to purchasing exercise equipment, both large and small purchases. Bottom line is to ask yourself some basic questions before purchasing exercise equipment. What is it that you need? What type of training is this for? And what is it that you will make the most use out of? Sometimes just small additions at home make a big difference with your home workouts. I share my experience in creating a home gym in high school to cater to my goals at the time. Most of us don't need to create a full blown home gym, just adding a few reasonable pieces of equipment can go a long way. I also share the fact that most styles of training can be done with very minimal equipment. Listen in to this episode as I discuss what to think about before buying anything. Also, I share my top 9 exercise equipment additions that will cater to nearly every style of training and to all of us too.
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If you are interested in purchasing yoga tune up balls, please click on this link HERE
Additional equipment:
1.1lb soft ball:
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