05 Jul 129. Sheera Goren On Staying Active, Boutique Fitness, And Zygo Underwater Streaming
Let’s welcome Sheera Goren to the HNL Movement Podcast! She is the Co-Founder of Zygo, an innovative and revolutionary product that streams audio underwater. Growing up playing soccer as well as other sports, Sheera discovered ways to continue living an active style after playing collegiate soccer. This led to discovering boutique fitness classes, fun outlets of being active, and eventually wondering how some of these experiences can be applied to swimming.
Sheera and her high school classmate, Charlie, reconnected at a friend’s wedding where they began to wonder if this boutique fitness experience could be offered to swimmers. This led them on a journey to not only create this experience for swimmers, but also developing revolutionizing audio hardware that can transmit high quality audio underwater. This led to the creation of Zygo, the innovative headset and app that offers a unique swimming experience.
Listen in to all the details of how the hardware works, the technology, specifications, and user experience. Zygo is the best option on the market today delivering high quality audio, a comfortable and functional fit, as well as a walkie talkie feature to communicate through the water. In addition, they are growing the platform of guided workouts and enhancing the swimming experience for their consumers. Sheera even shares insights for use with ocean sports and team water sport athletes. This was truly a fascinating and informative episode. Check out Zygo for more information and enjoy this episode!
Website: https://shopzygo.com/
IG: @zygogram
Email Sheera: sheera@zygoco.com
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