21 Jun 127. Matching Recovery Strategies To Your Training Demands For Better Progress & Performance
Recovery is a big topic, but how do you effectively apply recovery strategies to match your training demands? Everyone doesn’t respond the same to training stimuli because of individual differences, and therefore we don’t recover the same following physical activities. The basic aspects of effective recovery are adequate sleep, stress management, nutrition, hydration, and getting rid of inflammation and waste products following exercise. However, more importantly, Andrew discusses how to be more aware of how to appropriately fit in recovery strategies based on how you are responding to your training regimen.
Andrew discusses paying attention to factors that influence how we recover from workouts. This includes our level of strength & conditioning, movement patterns, mobility issues, nutrition/hydration status, skill/experience level, weather acclimation, or just how worn down our body is from previous training sessions. Assess and evaluate those aspects to better gauge what you need to effectively recover as the weeks go on. The take home message from this episode is to make your recovery practices match your training and lifestyle. If they don’t match, then make the necessary adjustments to help make the progress you desire. Happy recovery and enjoy the episode!
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