10 May 121. Got Injured? Restoring Optimal Performance Requires More Than Tissue Healing Time
Andrew discusses a very important topic, and often a misconception, for many athletes in rehabilitation. Tissue healing following injuries is important, but just because you allow adequate time for tissues to heal, that does not guarantee that you will be performing at the same level you once were. The fact of the matter is, tissue healing is one of the many factors that must be considered when rehabilitating your injury. Don’t forget about all the other factors that need to be addressed during the tissue healing process.
Addressing factors such as strength, power, neuromuscular control, sensory feedback, confidence, etc. are very important to regain optimal performance. It is crucial to provide a conducive environment for healing to occur while at the same time we are gradually progressing to restore functional levels to return to sports and activities. The take home message here is that tissue healing time is not the only factor to return to play. Commonly if these other factors of rehabilitation, strength & conditioning, and progressing back to sports is neglected, the timeline to return at a competitive level becomes longer and longer. Don’t expect to return in the estimated timeframe and perform optimally if you are not addressing many other factors of performance with a professional who can help. Enjoy and share this episode with anyone who will benefit from listening to this. Aloha!
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