27 Jul 080. Kalei Greeley On Persevering Through Rehab, Overcoming Obstacles, And Valuing Team Sports
This episode features UH volleyball star Kalei and her journey with sports, teamwork, and injuries. This is especially a great episode for anyone who has ever dealt with injuries or hardships that have caused setbacks for their career or other aspects of their life journey. Kalei has had many hurdles and obstacles to overcome in her career, especially when it comes to injuries. Listen in as she goes into detail about her experiences with injuries and her healing journey.
Kalei is an example of grit and determination, having gone through two shoulder surgeries and an ACL tear. With many halts in her volleyball career, she kept going. With any journey, there will come hurdles and obstacles, and Kalei is an excellent example of how to move through your setbacks and continue to pursue them.
Currently, Kalei is pursuing the role of counseling kids. She loves to inspire and help build up the youth in their sports and in life. Her approach is through being open and upfront, allowing kids to express and talk about what’s going on with them through somebody they trust. This is a truly inspirational episode, and please stay tuned for more great interviews! Aloha.
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