22 Jun 075. Dr. Kaori Tamura On Overcoming Obstacles And The Supporting Role Of Certified Athletic Trainers
This week’s episode features Dr. Kaori Tamura, an athletic trainer who was also Andrew’s program director in the athletic training program. Originally from Japan, Kaori has some interesting insights to share from her experiences growing up in Japan and moving to the states. During her college experience, she ended up dealing with some injuries that sparked her interest in sports medicine and the field of athletic training. She began her journey towards becoming a certified athletic trainer when she moved to California, where she overcame many obstacles to meet the requirements needed to sit the Board of Certification exam.
Kaori speaks a lot about the connections between training in different sports and the differences between training in Japan versus the USA. She has some wonderful stories to share, and this is a great episode for anyone who has dealt with injuries. Kaori wouldn’t be where she is today if it weren’t for her experiences overcoming injuries, and she is proof that setbacks can often push us towards success.
Now, living in Hawaii, Kaori loves to surf, cherishes the local people and culture, and enjoys living an active lifestyle. Listen in on this episode to hear the knowledge Kaori has to offer after her many years of experience. Take it all in, and enjoy all of the gems in this episode!
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