
146. Fundamentals Of Optimizing Knee Health: Anatomy, Function, & Movement

knee health and function

146. Fundamentals Of Optimizing Knee Health: Anatomy, Function, & Movement

Keeping your knees healthy and performing optimally goes well beyond just working on quad and hamstring strength. In fact, healthy knees are highly dependent on all the functioning parts of the lower leg. Listen in as Andrew breaks down fundamental concepts with how important core, hip, and ankle function are to overall knee health.

Andrew gives a brief overview of anatomy and function of the knee. More importantly, he shares 3 key points that helps to emphasize how interconnected the knee is with the entire kinetic chain. The 3 points in this episode are:

1. Knee movement is strongly influenced by hip and ankle/foot function
2. Knee problems may arise as a result of doing something the knee is not designed to do
3. When alleviating knee issues, you MUST work on the entire kinetic chain

Stay tuned for more follow up content to this episode. Keep those knees healthy and performing well. Enjoy the episode!

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