17 May 122. Finished My 1st Year As A PhD Student! Awesome Experiences And Valuable Lessons Learned
Andrew wrapped up his 1st year in his PhD program! He shares his awesome experiences and valuable lessons learned over this past year. Listen in to the perspective and insights of what a PhD journey entails. Andrew pushed himself to his limits and tried to get as much done as possible during his first year. This was an extremely challenging year that was remarkably mentally stimulating to say the least, very very busy, and felt like it flew by in a flash. With all of that, Andrew thoroughly enjoyed himself and wouldn’t have wanted this experience to go any other way.
Andrew has great insights to share perspectives about a PhD journey that many fellow students may relate to, or anyone in general that is curious to know. A key point is how every PhD student’s journey is unique and highly unlikely to be the same for everyone in a PhD program. He shares some of the valuable lessons learned such as how research and clinical practice really fuel each other and progress fields of study. Also, how truly difficult research is any field of study. And lastly, how much there is to learn, and the depth of knowledge out there is endless. Most importantly, he is grateful for the collaborative efforts and support that he received throughout his first year. Having support from many people around you is key to help your growth as a PhD student. Listen into Andrew’s insights and stay tuned for more content in the near future. Aloha!
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