
021. Understanding The Basics Of Nutrition Portion Sizes | The Most Practical Way

021. Understanding The Basics Of Nutrition Portion Sizes | The Most Practical Way

Do you ever wonder how much you should be eating? This is a common inquiry, and the answers tend to vary. Sometimes we can eat bigger meals and feel unsatisfied. Other times we can eat just a little and stay full for a while afterward, even when the hunger level is the same each time. Why is this the case? If you have ever found yourself lost inside the mystery of portion sizes, this episode is for you! Andrew shares his nutritional knowledge and provides a practical way to estimate portion sizes based on some very simple principles.

Our food portions tie into the big picture of our nutritional habits. When we have a basic understanding of the way that we eat, why we eat the way we do, and how to create balance within our diet throughout the day, we enhance our daily performance. Tune into this episode so that you may simplify the puzzle of portion sizes, enhance your energy, and optimize your nutrition.

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